29 August 2010

On The Psychology of Economies

I am no economist, but I do believe that I am a good student of people.  Several conversations I have had over the last week have really struck a chord with me.  The subject of course being the state of the economy and its recovery.  Thus the title of this post.

The Secret [UNABRIDGED CD] (Audiobook)Perhaps it is just the circle of people I choose to associate with, but all of us seem to have drawn the same conclusion.  The only thing keeping the economy from recovering quicker than it has is us.  That's right, each of us as individuals are directly responsible for the fact our friends and family are struggling and even being laid off.  Meditate on that for a minute.

Now before you all start chastising me and posting negative comments hear me out.  I am a big believer in the teachings of The Secret and the law of attraction.  I have seen it work in my life in both positive and negative ways.  There is no lack in the universe, all the money that was in the world prior to the economic crisis in 2008 is still out there.  It wasn't consumed in a fire or somehow destroyed.

That being said, what's different then?  Why are our friends and family struggling, loosing their jobs, their homes and more?  The answer is quite simple actually.  We are living in an environment of fear and an attitude of lack. Our dominant thoughts are on the economy is bad, so we bring about the economy being bad.  Odds are that most of you reading this that are still employed have not received a pay cut, yet you have modified your spending patterns out of fear of loosing what you have.

Economies are built upon the precept of currency being circulated through them.  So when we all contracted our spending habits out of fear of loss we perpetuated and made worse the poor state of the economy.  Our friends and family are unemployed as a direct result of this modification in our spending patterns.  Granted a large part of this was the fact that most of us were feeding the economy by leveraging our credit.  I myself was guilty of that too.

Thoughts become things, so for us to really change the state of the economy we must change the way we think about it.  That is essentially what the consumer confidence index is.  It is a feeling, it is psychological, it is not intellectual or logical by any respect.  Why is that some can make fortunes regardless of the state of the economy?  They think differently about money than the average person.  They know that there is no lack of opportunity or money regardless, and focus their thoughts accordingly.

The only way for us to get out of this economic state is for ALL of us to change the way we think about it.  We must believe and focus our thoughts on the fact the economy is improving, that we have all that we need and want, and that prosperity is ours.  Don't take my word for it, many wiser, more successful people through out history have said the same:

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought," Buddha.

"Whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right," Henry Ford.

"What ever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve," Napoleon Hill.

"As above so below, as within so without," The Emerald Tablet c. 3000 BCE

1 comment:

  1. Although I do think there are a LOT of negative economic indicators, one should remember that the great fortunes of America were ALL made on foundations set during recessions and even depression. Lets not ignore the bad indicators, but lets make plans on how to capitalize on a no/slow growth economy we will most likely see in the coming years.

    Also, destruction, in an economy like in a forest,promotes more growth in the end. A large company dying off creates an opening in the canopy for 100 satrt ups.
