01 January 2012

Why your consultant should not be a Yes Man

Since becoming a freelance consultant over five years ago now I am continually struck by the fact that most small business owners I interact with aren't looking for objective, impartial advice.  Instead it would appear that their true intent in hiring a consultant is to receive edification of their existing processes, plans or strategies.  In short, they appear to be looking for a yes man.

A consultant's job is to point out where the client's errors in judgement or flawed reasoning are.  Each client is different, and the consultant needs to know how best to get their point across so that the client will take action on it.  Some you do need to coddle and make them come to the realization slowly.  While others you may have to get into an all out screaming match with or they'll just walk all over you and waffle.  I've had both, and  I tell you what I enjoy working with the later better.

If you're not willing to let a client put you on your heels, and vice versa then honestly your skin is to thin and you need to get out of the game.  Maybe that's just the old Marine in me, or from my automotive days where type A personalities were the norm.  I've found that most of my peers in the fashion, marketing, and especially social media circles aren't quite accustom to this.

Now I will grant you that my communication style is not one that most Seattle-ites are accustom to.  I am often quite direct and lack the politically correct, passive aggressiveness that is the norm in the region.  Thomas Jefferson was remarked, "never use two words when one will do."  I think that about sums up my opinion of political correctness in business.

The plus side is you'll always get my honest opinion, and you'll never have to guess where you stand.

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