23 March 2010

On Family - Part 2

In my last post on family I talked about my strained relationship with my Uncle after my Grandfather's death.  Well today I think focusing on a positive relationship is in order.  Wait? What is that you say?  Well this morning I got an email from my Sister-in-Law.

If there is one person in my family that understands me and is unconditionally supportive of me it would be her.  When ever our schedules are in line when I'm in downtown Seattle we'll grab coffee near the law firm she works at.  This morning's email was a new picture of their youngest daughter.  She's six months old now, and totally adorable.  Wouldn't you agree?

If there is another clothes horse in the family it's my sister-in-law.  My nieces shop at Nordstrom more than I do, LOL.  Needless to say she is quite excited that I'm working on a Fashion Week for the region.  Because of my transportation issues I've discussed in the past I haven't been able to spend as much time as I once did with them.  I really regret that, but luckily business is starting to turn around so it won't be long until I can rectify that.

Going over to her and my brother's house was at the very least a monthly event prior to loosing my car last year.  My brother is a big gamer and my sister-in-law loves to entertain, so I was invited over regularly for a night of food and Call of Duty 3.  My sister-in-law would have quite the spread and the latest cocktail recipie she had discovered.  My brother is a bit of a light weight, half a wine cooler and he's done.  Just meant more for my sister-in-law and I.

My brother and I would sit on the floor in their living room playing games, eating and drinking while my nieces would be pelting us from around the corner with Nerf guns.  Quite the dicotimy my nieces.  All Disney Princesses and dresses with mom, and total tomboys with dad.  Oh and don't play Lego Star Wars with the oldest, she'll kick you tail in.  She's quite the sniper in first person shooter games too.  It's cute how she giggles after knocking you off.

I have to say though that my favorite time with my brother is when we do our semi-annual paintball outing.  I get a kick out of how he introduces me to all of his friends as his brother the Marine.  Of course I am obligated to play into the role, so I'll dig out my Guillie Suit just for the intimidation factor.  He even bought me a paintball gun that is almost an exact replica of an M16-A2 service rifle.

We'll set up an ambush and he'll grab some other players to funnel guys into me.  I love listening to the conversations he has with them over our voice activated radios.  I'll be in my hide and the other players will be asking him what they're doing and where am I at?  When he finally get's frustrated with them he'll tell me to raise my hand to show my position.  You can hear the OMG, I didn't even see him in the background.  I chuckle a little inside when he does that.

I really love that my brother and sister-in-law are so different from one and other.  It's a testimony to the fact that opposites do attract.  I'm ashamed to admit I forget when they got married, but they've been together since the mid 90s.  I can get my refined, luxury, fashion fix with my sister-in-law, and go play in the mud with my brother.  I can't wait until my nieces are old enough to take to the theater, symphony and art exhibits.  They are still incredibly shy around strangers, so I hope they outgrow that soon.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful is it that family can feed us on so many different levels.
